Sunday 18 August 2013

Bánh bèo - Vietnamese Savory Steamed Rice Cake (water fern cake)

Banh beo is a specialty of central Vietnam, especially popular in Da Nang, Hue, Quang Nam and Quang Ngai. It is basically made from rice flour and tapioca starch, topped with minced shrimp (Hue style) or a mixture of pork and shrimp (Da Nang/Quang Nam style). A simple yet elegant, cheap yet delicious dish which can be eaten throughout the day!


Fast way of making the base (using prawn crackers)
Boil prawn crackers for 15 mins with 1tsp oil.
Drain and wash with cold water.
Immediately stack on a plate.

Traditional way of making the base 
In a large bowl/pot, mix 400g rice flour, 100g stapioca starch and 1 liter water
Stir well and allow the mixture to rest for 1 hour
Then add 1tsp salt and 1tsp cooking oil
Stack small condiment bowls in a steamer and steam the empty bowls for 2 mins
Then pour a thin layer of the mixture in each bowl and steam for 4 mins
Take out and allow them to cool. Each cake should have a nice "dimple"
Stir up the mixture once in a while. Repeat until all mixture is used.

Make the shrimp toppings (Hue style)
Peel and devein prawns. Season with ½ tsp salt, ½ tsp pepper and ½ tsp chicken stock
Cover with film cling and microwave for 2-3 mins
In a mortar and pestle, grind the prawns till a rough texture
Then dry fry it for 1 mins on low heat

Alternative toppings (Da Nang style)
Cut pork belly into very small cubes
Fry on a heated pan without oil till the fat comes out
Add minced shrimp and shrimp paste
Dilute the rice flour mixture and add to the pan

Make savoury fish sauce
Boil the shrimp shells and simmer for 15 minutes. Extract the broth
Crush chili with a spoon and add to the fish sauce
Apply 115 ratio: 1 tbsp fish sauce, 1 tbsp sugar, 5 tbsp shrimp broth

Assemble the dish
Remove the cakes from the molds and stack on a plate
Grease the cakes with scallion oil
Top up with minced shrimp/pork mixture
Garnish with crispy pork skin / fried shallot / crushed roasted peanuts
Add in savoury fish sauce and serve!

It can also be served in the bowl itself with a topping of your choice.

This is the tutorial video:

Hope you guys like it. Have a nice weekend!

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