Thursday 22 August 2013

Recipe for Baba Ganoush

Baba Ganoush Recipe

Hey guys Hagop here and today I'm going to show you recipe of one of my favourite Armenian dip.

Baba ghanoush


-1 kg of eggplant
- 1/2 a cup of Greek style yoghurt
-2 tablespoons of lemon juice
-2 tablespoons of tahini
-1 garlic clove, crushed
-1/4 teaspoons sea salt
-chopped fresh parsley and olive oil, to serve


1. Heat a barbecue plate on high. Reduce heat to low. Cook eggplant, turning occasionally, for 45 minutes or until browned all over and tender. Transfer to a plate. Cover with foil. Stand for 10 minutes or until cool enough to handle
2.Remove and discard skin from eggplant. Roughly chop flesh. Cool completely.
3.Place eggplant flesh, yoghurt, lemon juice, tahini, garlic and salt in a bowl. Stir to combine. Serve with parsley and oil.

And here is a YouTube video of  someone making this delicious dip.
Enjoy this is Hagop Ankeshian signing off :).

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