Monday 19 August 2013

Dishes made from fish in Vietnam

Hi! everybody , today I will introduct some dishes made from fish in Vietnam to you .^0^

1)Fish fried spicy with sesame sauce

Let I tell you how  to make it ?
we have 5 steps
step 1 : Pre-processing, cleaning, drying fish and then cut 2-3 lines on the fish itself.

step 2 : Rub flour covering fish body and  pour into the pan fried with oil .
step3 : You should fry 2 sides of fish to see it becomes yellow

step 4 : Chopping tiny onions, garlic, chili

step 5 :Mix it all onions, garlic, chili with sesame seeds, sesame oil, soy sauce and sugar to sprinkle on the fish itself.
Then enjoy it !!!!!!^^

2) Pungent braised fish : this is popular dishes in dinner of Vietnamese . Because it easy to make and save time . It is a good dish choice in winter .

3) Salmon fried honey
Ingredient :

300g salmon
- 1 lemon
- 30ml honey
- 1 cucumber
- Green onion, ginger, cornstarch
Preparation :

Cut salmon into thick slices and place in bowl, add onion, ginger julienne and seasoned with salt. Squeeze add half a lemon for taste sour fish. Have you noticed the lemon used to being mild dish! Adding 1-2 tablespoons cornstarch diluted in water and then mix all the spices len.Uop fish in 10 minutes. Prepare a pan of hot oil, marinated salmon with fried on low heat. Salmon cooked pretty fast so when you fry for about 2 minutes, see the fish start hunting again and then turn down the heat slightly discolored.

Arrange fish with cucumber and disc scan a very thin layer of honey over it.

4) Fried fish :
Ingredient :

 - 300g fish
- 1 bunch dill
- 1 bunch of broccoli
- 1 carrot
- Green onion, ginger, garlic, spices, cooking oil
Preparation :
First, it is minced ginger and pounding water, mix cumin, ginger and a little spice on the fish. Roll fish to becomes each small balls  and fried golden in hot oil.
then Soak the washed cauliflower and carrots, boiled then cut into small pieces and bring.
After that , For non-aromatic garlic in hot oil, then in xao.Cuoi and vegetables, fried your fish with vegetables. Add seasonings, oyster sauce, continue to stir fry until the sauce thickens, then remove from the heat.

Finish !

                                                                                                 KAYLA LUU

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