Monday 19 August 2013

Ramen(Japanese soup noodle)

Hi guys, this is Kazu. Today's our food is my favorite food Japanese style soup noodle "Ramen".

Ramen is originally chinese food, however it is unclear when Ramen was introduced to Japan.
Since then people try to make the tastes of Ramen prefered for Japanese people then Ramen has become a popular Japanese food today. Everyone likes Ramen, I am pretty sure there is no one hate Ramen in Japan!!

Ramen soup was originally based on chicken stock and soy sauce taste,however, today, Ramen has got many different taste. The base of soup is made from chicken bone(torigara), pork bone(tonkotsu) or seafood with a variety of ingredients such as onions, carrots, shiitake mushroom, dried seaweed, dried fish, fish flakes and more. Double soup which is combined chicken, pork or seafood soup  is being popular today. Then there are some flavours such as miso, sio(salt)or soy sauce. Also, we have many different flavours throughout Japan. Different place has got different flavours. Famous ones are Hakata(Fukuoka) Ramen, Sapporo Ramen(Hokkaido) and Kitakata Ramen(Fukushima). Actually, we can try so many flavours of Ramen in Tokyo because there are so many Ramen restaurant in Tokyo.

Hakata Ramen

This is Hakata Ramen. It is known as pork bone(tonkotsu) soup, straight thin noodle.Link to one of the most famous Hakata Ramen restaurant in Japan
The biggest characteristic of Hakata Ramen is that we can order another noodle(noodle only) if you want to eat more after you finish your noodle, and also we can choose the hardness of your noodle, then restaurant stuff will make your noodle as hard you would choose.

Kitakata Ramen

This is Kitakata Ramen. It is dried small sardiness or pork bone based soup and soy sauce flavour with thick waved noodle. Kitakata Ramen is usually called "Shina- soba"(means chinese noodle). So that it is made baced on original chinese soup noodle. Kitakata city is not a big city, however, there are over 100 noodle restaurant around that area.

Sapporo Ramen

This is Sapporo Ramen. People would imagine miso flavour if they hear Sapporo Ramen, but Sapporo Ramen has three flavour which are soy sauce, miso and sio(salt). It is pork bone stock soup, really sticky and rich soup compared to the other Ramen. Usually served with butter and corn on the top of noodle. Also some restaurant use seafood because seafood in Hokkaido is high quality.

There are more and more flavour and kinds of Ramen and also there are tons of Ramen restaurant in japan today. So Ramen is not a traditional japanese food but typical, well known, delicious and beautiful food!! People cannnot live without Ramen. So you should try one you like!!
Actually, even here in Sydney there are so many Japanese Ramen restaurant and some of them are very nice.
The restaurant I reccomend you is
These four noodle restaurant are my favourites in sydney!!
You must check these out!!

Kazuhito Isaji

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